Wednesday, January 5, 2011

December 13 to Jan. 06, 2011

Monday girl’s golf game with Jackie, Marilee and Del --- fun time, we are all about the same level so I was pretty comfortable with them.
Tuesday, my golf lesson with Ben and it was bad!  B, Larry and Dave were out golfing too and they had a good time. We meet for lunch at the club house.  Third golf day for them, so have decided to take Wednesday off.
Wednesday and we girls (Jackie, Carol, Carolyn and me) went off for our $25 pedicures; lunch at Chili’s and a little shopping.  It was only 72 today with wind, but it cleared Sunday.  Marc & Heather arrived Wednesday, Lou & Marge arrived Saturday, so the gang is rolling in and we had a large group for happy hour on Saturday.
I had a couple of lady’s golf games; it was fun – no pressure!  I actually made a couple of good shots. We had a good dance on Saturday evening and Sunday B & I, along with Carol & Larry had our Christmas dinner, turkey and all the trimmings, plus exchanged presents.
Monday B departed for Christmas in Ottawa!  Carol and Larry drove us to the Yuma airport.
B had a wonderful Christmas in Ottawa with his Mom, daughters and granddaughter.  I enjoyed my Christmas with a wonderful group of friends. B returned to the USA without any problems, so our greatest fear did not materialize.  2011 and we are good to go!
January is starting off very busy, Imperial Valley Softball games for B and more golf lessons plus pool time for me! Temperature is warming and we have been getting a couple of afternoon hours by the pool.  Went to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls.  Tomorrow a game I think!
Life is good,
Hugs to all,