Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday March 7 in Port Mansfield, TX

Monday morning B & Larry went to the wharf and cleaned the live Black Drum fish, that we got from our neighbour last night, which was our supper tonight. But today we had the other side of the harbour to check out!!  Wasn’t much, but it had a public beach with a wharf, winds were gusting to 21 mph so didn’t stay there long!  OK so it’s supper time and time to BBQ our Black Drum fish.  We flavoured three filets with Dill and lemon juice and the others kinda Cajun! All turned out tasting delicious, Carol made scallop potatoes and it turned into a wonderful supper.
Tuesday morning, we leave for Riviera, TX 85 miles north on Hwy #77 to the Sea Wind RV Resort for 2-4 more days…as the weather looks good.
Hugs and night night
Carol & Larry on the public wharf in Port Mansfield, TX