Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8 Riviera, TX

We departed Port Mansfield at about 9:30 on our 85 miles drive to Riviera TX just south of Corpus Christie on the Baffin Bay.  Great ride as when we got to Hwy #77 we had the wind pushing us, so got great gas mileage and were set up by 12 noon.  It was overcast, hot and humid when we left but once here it was 86 degrees sunny, hot and humid!  Larry is now suffering with a cold, Carol is just getting over hers and I am gobbling vitamin C hoping to ward it off.  B and I went for a walk to the beach, wharf and picnic area around the Park and once out on the edge of the Bay the temperature cooled only slightly.  This evening the Park held its Mardi Gras, chilli and bean burrito supper, with free Champagne and Margaritas for just a $1.00. We sat with our neighbour across the street and had a wonderful evening of food, conversation and even a couple of dances. 
We are booked in here for two nights, but may stay an extra night or two because it’s just warmer than going north just now.