Friday, March 25, 2011

March 24 TX Thursday to March 25 we made it to Louisiana!

Thursday was just a relax day, B went to Walmart to try to sort out his Tracfone, I went to Target to do a little shopping, B went out for a hair cut and the rest of the day we just relaxed.  I started a new book John Sandford “Dark of the Moon” it’s his first with Virgil Flowers, however I have read one later book.  Sure is starting out good.   B and I went back to Robert and Kathryn’s this evening for a final visit and one more pool game.  B & R got beat badly!  We said our farewell till the summer, when they think they might be in Ottawa.  Friday, we’re off to Lake Charles/Westlake, Louisiana about 160 miles from Dickinson, TX.  We drove out Hwy 146 to the 45 into Galveston, took the ferry to Bolivar Peninsula and travelled Hwy 37 to Hwy 124 to I-10.  We did stop at the South Texas State Fairgrounds for lunch and were given free tickets to the fair, so decided we should take time out and just go!  We enjoyed our walk about for an hour in overcast sky but the temperature was 80!  Nice! We then continued up Hwy I-10 to Lake Charles district into Westlake and the Whispering Meadow RV Park, Westlake, Louisiana.  We arrived in Texas Feb. 19 and departed March 25, so we have had a good tour!
Thanks for the great memories you two!

Ferry ride to Bolivar Peninsula TX

Texas State Fair Grounds, overcast but 80+ degrees

Ok slow internet tonight so that's all!
Night Night