Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday, Port Aransas March 13 Time Change!! To March 15 Rockport TX

Sunday morning we left Pioneer RV Park for the beach in Port Aransas on the Gulf of Mexico.  We found a great spot with good firm sand and were all set up again by 10:30 in the morning. We were very excited as this would be a first!  However, it is “Spring Break” in the USA and while quiet at the beach in the morning it was NOT quiet in the evening.  Thousands of kids riding in cars and trucks up and down the beach over and over again!  They was screaming and yelling! The girls were flashing their breast and the guys were mooning! They were spinning their tires on the sand while others just dug the back tires in the sand so the tale gate was almost at ground level.  During the day we were able to enjoy walking the beach with temp of 75ish and very little wind, but by Monday night we had, had it. We were kept awake all night.  At 1:30 some kid with a loud truck parked across from us and  roared the engine.  Just can’t stay here three nights.  We had a great visit with Shirley, Laurie and John, a couple of wonderful fresh fish suppers. But we four have decided to head out Tuesday morning. Tuesday, we were off that beach by 9:00 and happy about it.  We only drove 17 miles to Rockport and the Circle W RV Ranch, nice quiet place.  Today is Larry’s Birthday!  So we drove around to see if we could find a nice supper spot.  Our neighbour recommended the China A Super Buffet and that it was!  It was more like a seafood restaurant than Chinese. Everyone enjoyed their meal and we all went back for seconds. Weather here is lovely with just a light wind compared to the waterfront.  Wednesday, we will travel north a little more, just not sure to where yet???
Hugs and good night!