Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept. 17 Friday

The joys of being retired, we can change plans as many times as we like and no one really care. 
We decided to stay in Coeur D’Alene one more day.  The weather is still overcast and some rain.  We traveled to Post Falls, Idaho to an RV Superstore, just to look around.  Found a couple of lights we wanted but wouldn’t you know it, they were out of stock.  We found a new Cabelo’s store, stopped for a look. They are very similar to the Bass Pro-Shop. 
Drove the scenic route back to Coeur D’Alene and had lunch in a cute little restaurant just off the main street.  I purchased a bottle of Idaho Wild Huckleberry Syrup, it seems to be very popular around here, had some with my lunch and it was delicious.
Then we walked the main street, but, there are only restaurants and art shops left on
Main Street
We will travel 30 miles to Spokane Saturday for one night.  That will be all the time we need in a big city!  Sunday we’re are off to Chelan, WA for a two night visit with Carol and Larry.  Will be good to see you guys again!
Carol P. you surprised me….how did you figure out how to be a follower?
Hay, that’s it for tonight.